Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay about Plato’s Apology - 933 Words
Plato’s Apology Socrates was a very simple man who did not have many material possessions and spoke in a plain, conversational manner. Acknowledging his own ignorance, he engaged in conversations with people claiming to be experts, usually in ethical matters. By asking simple questions, Socrates gradually revealed that these people were in fact very confused and did not actually know anything about the matters about which they claimed to be an expert. Socrates felt that the quest for wisdom and the instruction of others through dialogue and inquiry were the highest aims in life. He felt that The unexamined life is not worth living. Platos Apology is the speech Socrates made at his trial. Socrates was charged with not recognizing the†¦show more content†¦He believed that the reason he was put on trial was because he embarrassed many people. Socrates compared himself to a gadfly stinging the lazy horse, which is the Athenian state. Without him, Socrates claimed, the state would drift into a d eep sleep, but through his influence it can be awakened. Socrates was found guilty by a narrow margin and was asked to come up with a penalty. Socrates suggested that if he were to get what he deserved, he should be honored with a great meal for being of such service to the state. He rejected the sentences of prison or exile, offering instead to pay a fine. When the jury rejected his suggestions and sentenced him to death, Socrates accepted the verdict and said that no one but the gods know what happens after death and so it would be foolish to fear what one does not know. He also warned the people who voted against him that by silencing him rather than listening to him, they have harmed themselves much more than they have harmed him. Socrates opened his case by asking the jury to listen to him openly and to pardon him if he went into his usual style of speaking. His accusers had already spoken against him in the flowery manner common in courts of law. Socrates said that his accusers speeches contained great refinement and skill, and he lacked the ability to speak so well. However, he said that he would speak the truth while his opponents lied. Socrates also stated that while his accusers’ speeches wereShow MoreRelated Platos Apology Essay1086 Words  | 5 PagesPlatos Apology Plato’s Apology is the story of the trial of Socrates, the charges brought against him and his maintaining of his own innocence throughout the process. At the onset of the trial, Socrates appears to challenging the charges, which included corrupting the youth, challenging belief in the gods that were accepted and reveled by the State, and introducing a new religious focus, but also belittles his own significance and suggesting that he will not attempt to disprove thatRead More Platos Apology Essay794 Words  | 4 PagesPlato’s Apology In the retelling of his trial by his associate, Plato, entitled â€Å"The Apology†; Socrates claims in his defense that he only wishes to do good for the polis. I believe that Socrates was innocent of the accusations that were made against him, but he possessed contempt for the court and displayed that in his conceitedness and these actions led to his death. In his defense, Socrates claims over and again that he is innocent and is not at all wise, â€Å"†¦for I know that I haveRead MorePlatos The Apology Essay1530 Words  | 7 Pageswas – such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a word of truth.†– Plato â€Å"The Apology†In â€Å"The Apology,†Socrates represents himself in his own trial. He boldly questions the morality of the people of court. In this report, I will be analyzing portions of â€Å"The Apology†in order to reveal the intellectuality of this text within this time frame. I will only discuss bits of â€Å"The Apologyâ€Å" on account that it is a lengthy piece. However, before discussing the speech it is important toRead MorePlatos The Allegory of the Cave as Means to Explain The Apology1672 Words  | 7 PagesEhrecke Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†As Means to Explain â€Å"The Apology†Authors sometimes use one work to explain or elaborate on the intricacies of another piece of theirs. Plato is one such example as he uses â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†as means to better decipher â€Å"The Apology of Socrates.†Plato himself never appears in either dialogue, but it is clear that he disagrees with how Socrates’s trial ended and hopes to prevent another unneeded execution in the future. In â€Å"The Apology of SocratesRead MoreAnalysis Of Platos Apology On The Man Of Save The Day, But Not Himself1285 Words  | 6 PagesHimself An Analysis of Plato’s Apology Socrates, painted as a humble man who never had any of his own writings, and often speculated to be illiterate, is considered one of the major partisans of Western philosophy. Western philosophy is the philosophical thought of the western world. This idea proves to be quite accurate when considering Plato’s Apology, the apology of Socrates which is not really considered an apology but a defense. In the ancient Greek era, the word apology meant to defend one’sRead MorePlatos The Apology659 Words  | 3 Pages Platos The Apology is an account of the speech Socrates makes at the trial where he is charged for various reasons; not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, inventing new deities, and corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates did not win over the jury pleading his case, and was therefore sentenced to execution. It can be said that Plato’s Apology of Sokrates, although an unsuccessful attempt at defending Socrates on the charges of corruption the youth of Athens, is a successful defenseRead MorePlatos The Apology792 Words  | 3 PagesPlato’s The Apology is the speech that Socrates makes at the trial in which he is charged with not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, creating new deities, and corrupting the youth of Athens. Even though the title of Socrates’ speech is The Apology, it is not an apology for his actions, but rather he attempts to defend himself and his conduct. The apology has made me reflect on whether a person should focus on i mproving himself or herself, or should they focus on improving other peopleRead MoreEssay on Platos Apology932 Words  | 4 PagesPlatos Apology At the elderly age of seventy, Socrates found himself fighting against an indictment of impiety. He was unsuccessful at trial in the year 399 B.C. The charges were corrupting the youth of Athens, not believing in the traditional gods in whom the city believed, and finally, that he believed in other new divinities. In Platos Apology, Socrates defends himself against these charges. He claims that the jurors opinions are biased because they had probably all seen AristophanesRead MorePlatos Apology And Crito1036 Words  | 5 PagesIn Plato’s â€Å"Apology†and â€Å"Crito†, I believe Socrates’ philosophy of not doing harmful things on purpose, because of ignorance, or the act of doing it unwillingly, is false. First I will show you some contradictions introduced in the books of the Apology, and Crito and explain them. Next, I will explain how in the present day Socrates philosophy is false due to the vices of mankind, with evidence from the Apology, then I will show you how Socrates might argue his point and a counter argument in presentRead MorePlatos The Republic and The Apology1714 Words  | 7 Pages In Plato’s The Republic and The Apology, the topic of justice is examined from multiple angles in an attempt to discover what justice is, as well as why living a just life is desirable. Plato, writing through Socrates, identifies in The Republic what he thought justice was through the creation of an ideal city and an ideal soul. Both the ideal city and the ideal soul have three components which, when all are acting harmoniously, create what Socrates considers to be justice. Before he outlines this
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about Eth/125 Week 4 Quiz 2 - 1445 Words
University of Phoenix Material Quiz 2 Week 4 Quiz - Ch. 5 Schaefer (2012) This is a multiple choice/short answer quiz and each item is worth 1.5 points for a total of 60 points. There is only one correct response for each numbered item, and you should use Schaefer (2012) to determine the best response. For multiple choice questions, type the letter of the correct answer next to the corresponding question number on the answer sheet. For short answer responses, type your answer next to the corresponding question number. Review your work prior to submission and make sure you have responded to all questions. Save your work and submit the Quiz Answer Sheet only to the Assignments Link. 1. The largest ancestral group of European†¦show more content†¦d. not important to Americans. 16. Which of the following would NOT be considered a White ethnic group? a. Jews b. Italians c. Chinese d. Swedes 17. The fundamentalist religious faiths include all of the following EXCEPT a. Southern Baptists b. American Baptists c. Missouri Synod Lutherans d. Assembly of God 18. In terms of the proportion of college graduates, the most educated religious group is a. Episcopalian. b. Presbyterian. c. Jewish. d. Muslim. 19. In terms of the proportion of college graduates, the least educated religious group is a. Lutheran. b. Baptist. c. Muslim. d. Mormon. 20. The maintenance of one’s ethnic ties in a way that can assist with assimilation in larger society is known as a. ethnic paradox. b. assimilation paradox. c. religious paradox. d. Amish paradox. 21. The 1962 Supreme Court decision Engel v. Vitale ruled which of the following unconstitutional? a. Christmas displays in public schools b. teaching creationism c. certain religious activities in schools d. school prayer 22. Secessionist minorities are groups that a. reject assimilation and coexistence. b. favor cultural pluralism. c. believe in a literal translation of the Bible. d. favor most of the values and beliefs of the dominant culture. 23. In 1995, the Supreme Court ruled that privately sponsored religious
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance Of Effective Communication Patterns For A...
There are many influences in a complex environment such as residential care. There are numerous conflicting interactions between many agents such as residents, families, providers, institutions, regulators that create many inconsistencies and mixed messages. Examining the culture for the antecedents and consequences is crucial to building and maintaining a healthy work environment. Four recurring themes of interaction emerged from the research articles reviewed. These include the importance of open communication, self-organization, teamwork and relationship connectivity. Examining the organization to understand the organizational flow and above mentioned dynamic interactions is an essential step that is often missed by leadership in a chaotic, complex health care environment. The importance of effective communication patterns for a healthy work environment and for quality care outcomes was noted in all eleven articles. In theory, an organization with open communication between people with diverse cognitive schema will be best able to adapt and respond to a constantly changing environment (Colà ³n-Emeric, Ammarell, Bailey, Corazzini, Lekan-Rutledge, Piven, Utley-Smith Anderson,2006). When leaders choose nonlinear interaction to lead their teams and manage the day to day interactions, an egalitarian climate is developed and maintained. Managers may influence communication patterns by promoting horizontal communication networks, thereby changing the rate of informationShow MoreRelatedA Research Project On The City Of Kelsey1353 Words  | 6 Pagesto the increase of its residents. The efforts of this project rest on the communication and teamwork with addressing issues and concerns from the mayor of Kelsey. The following paper will discuss the concern s that Kelsey’s mayor has with the methods utilized in building effective relationships with teamwork among city employees and with the motives and values with building teamwork. The paper will describe the communication factors that need to be considered that will have leaders and stakeholdersRead MoreEating Together, By Barbara Fiese And Marlene Sehwartz967 Words  | 4 Pagesa barometer of community health†(â€Å"Reclaiming the family†). However, it is not easy for many families to eat together due to the pace of life. It is particularly crucial for parents to recognize the importance of eating together as a family and the huge difference that promotes a healthy environment enjoyable to their children. Family meals are excellent ways to protect children from exposure to various dangerous alternatives, such as fast foods that contain high sugar and fat but low nutritionalRead MoreEmployee Relations Issues1696 Words  | 7 Pageslearn how the right approa ch can control organizational success. If a small amount of time is spent on implementing an effective performance management system within a company then it can lead to a large impact on the overall performance of the employees. With better performance from the employees comes a better bottom line for any company. Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining and managing employer-employee relationships that bring productivity, motivation, and moraleRead MoreThe Theoretical Approach to Family Therapy1303 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieve families cannot be described nor treated from a single-school approach. I view humans through a humanistic and existential lens but am more technically structural and solution-based. With this integrative approach, I believe I will be the most effective in helping families grow and reach their goals. Children enter the world as part of preexisting systems. They enter parental systems and families that already have rules, roles and boundaries, and more are made as children grow and the family developsRead MoreTheories Of Human Development1401 Words  | 6 PagesHuman development is an active process resulting from interactions between an individual and their environment. The processes involved in an individual’s development and overall life outcomes are complex, everchanging, and unique. Given the complexity of human development, the central tenets of my professional conceptual foundation of development include biological factors inherent in the individual, psychological influences, and social interactions. Thus, my professional perspective can best beRead MoreLeadership As A Charismatic Leader1495 Words  | 6 Pageshave to deal with tricky situations no matter the circumstances. Everyone including leaders desire to work in a drama free and less negative establishm ent. However, an effective leader must be able to with handle problems or issues. A leader have to learn how to adapt and adjust, guide their counterparts which leads to productive environment. Charismatic leader helps produces a pleasurable environment to create happiness which motivates subordinates... According to Andrew DuBrin charisma is definedRead MoreUnderstanding The Communication Patterns, And Development Of East Lincoln Elementary School Essay1355 Words  | 6 PagesI volunteered at East Lincoln Elementary School in Tullahoma, Tennessee. During that time, I assisted with office communication, cut math flashcards for tutorials, and organized the donations for the clothes closet for indigent students. In this paper, I will analyze the communication patterns, organizational patterns, and development of East Lincoln Elementary School. Communication Direction While volunteering at East Lincoln, I was able to observe the employees, their relationship with their coworkersRead MoreEnvironmental Influences On Childhood Obesity1717 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferences may contribute to different patterns of obesity in children and youth, related to their ethnicity. As described in the epidemiological overview show higher than average obesity prevalence in non-Hispanic, black and Mexican American children compared to non-Hispanic white children at most ages. In boys excess obesity ages 2 through 11 compared to girls ages 6 through 19. (Kumanyika 61-70) Environmental influences on childhood obesity is a socio-cultural environment. Highlighted data section theRead MoreWhat a Star-What a Jerk1183 Words  | 5 Pagesgoals of the team-workers and motivating them, along with frequent follow-ups, have been the prime focus of the case study under consideration. Jane Epstein is beginning to settle down in her new work organisation named TechniCo. It is evident from the text that she has a considerably good team to work with, with an assortment of attitudes and skills. She provides an overview of her team members to her ex colleague Rick Lazarus and describes Caroline as having a huge social capital and the one whoRead MoreThe Role of a Community Counselor1735 Words  | 7 Pagesconcepts. The first assumption is: â€Å"1. Human development and behavior take place in environmental contexts that have the potential to be nurturing or limiting†(Lewis et al., 2011). This assumption refers to the connection between people and their environment and its potential to act as a source of support or as a limiting factor on their development. The community counseling model effectively deals with the environmental factors that have an influence on the development of problems that people encounter
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gay Marriage Essay Research Paper THE OPPRESSED free essay sample
Gay Marriage Essay, Research Paper THE OPPRESSED GENDER It has been said that adult females are a universally oppressed gender. Unfortunately, I feel that this statement is wholly true. The position that adult females are oppressed merely because work forces and most adult females excessively, have the incorrect thoughts about adult females can be excessively optimistic. Emancipating adult females is seen as merely a affair of persuasion and instruction, of explicating to work forces that they have got it incorrect and that they truly should portion the housekeeping and the top occupations because it would be more just. History shows that all thoughts can alter. For illustration, the thought that black people are inferior belongs to societies that exploit black people. They see black people as no more than slaves or as inexpensive labour. To acquire rid of this thought, we have to acquire rid of the system that started this sad thought. We will write a custom essay sample on Gay Marriage Essay Research Paper THE OPPRESSED or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Anarchists believe that the nucleus job confronting adult females is category society. Overliing that nucleus job is a job of male chauvinist thoughts. The thought that adult females are inferior comes from societies that are divided into categories. When misss answered out of bend, they were more likely to be told off, while male childs were likely to be praised for demoing intelligence or enterprise. Given this it was non surprising that in ulterior categories misss seldom spoke unless specifically asked a inquiry while male childs frequently spoke out or chatted with the instructor. Women experience diffident as to what their rights are. Besides diffident as to how many fusss they are expected by society to set up with. Womans are invariably given cues that they are in some manner inferior. This conditioning is a symptom of the place of adult females in society, non the cause but a symptom with far making effects. Womans are invariably conditioned to believe that we do non hold a right to an sentiment, to be politically active, or to talk out. That is why the first measure against this conditioning is to form individually from work forces. Some adult females felt that work forces being more confident and more self-confident tend to rule treatments. Even some adult females feel that when work forces are present they are more likely to take a soundless function and leave the reasoning up to them. Women? ? s forming together is an exercising in authorization. It is a positive response to the conditioning of society. Its function should be to do it possible for adult females to take part as peers with work forces. However, jobs rise when this exercising is taken into drama along with run. This identifies work forces as the root job, when they are non the job. It besides isolates work forces from the battle, when it is obvious that in order to alter society we must work aboard them. Within many Unions and the British Labor Party there exist adult females merely conferences, A job with this is that adult females? ? s issues are frequently referred to these conferences as a manner of avoiding the issues and burying about them. Rape is an illustration of adult females? ? s issue and its is referred to as a adult females? ? s conference. In decision, I feel that adult females are get downing to come on. For illustration, our New York Senator Hilary Clinton is a adult female. This is merely the start ; shortly possibly we will hold a adult females president.
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