Friday, December 27, 2019
The Government And Its Effects On The Minority Report By...
The government plays a major role in dystopic stories and novels, and as these stories start to unfold, one can see the flaws in which how government works and how if effects the rest of society. In the Minority Report, written by Philip K. Dick, the mechanisms of the government’s systems begins to show different flaws when surveillance is use to determine the pre-crime of major crimes, and what happens to their citizens once a verdict is reached. Any type of Government surveillance can do more harm than good, due to the fact they invade the privacy of the people, in some cases resulting in giving innocent people unfair and unlawful punishments, and also because it can fail to protect and create an aspect of fear among their citizens. In The Minority Report, Philip K. Dick creates a government that can make an arrest with the assumption that their suspect is guilty, without taking into consideration that there was a minority report, which is the chance that their suspect is innocent. The people of this society had begun to see how this system is corrupt, and the coming to the point of how, â€Å"If no arrests were made, there would still have been no crimes committed.†As people see the chances of innocent citizens being arrested for no crime, they begin to think, how many murders would actually take place, and how many people would be falsely accused. When the flaw of arresting innocent people is first drawn to attention, it is made clear that any person who had be given aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Philip K. Dick1915 Words  | 8 Pages2017 The author I have been studying is Philip K. Dick. He is an american author who was prominent in the 1950’s and 60’s. Several of his books have been turned into famous movies and he has a wide range of stories. Dick was a successful writer because of how much he wrote often writing more than fifty short stories in a year. DIck turned to drug use early in his career often taking acid and other psychedelic substances. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Life Of An American Muslim Arab - 1941 Words
May Elbassoussy Suzan Flatt WP1 18 Feb. 2016 The Life of an American Muslim Arab Arabs in general are struggling all around the world, and currently the biggest concern is the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. This conflict is quite a crazy conflict. The Israeli and Palestinian conflict led to the billions of Palestinian refugees to flee to the United States in hope to find a better place that they could or eventually call home. The American media does not appreciate that Arabs are in America and are trying to make it hard on Muslims and Arabs to survive. Society has portrayed Muslims as the enemy. No matter how hard Muslims try to fit in they simply just cannot due to the lack of truth and humanity in American media, who the Americans blame for the horrible attacks of September 11th. They blame the Muslims although there were Muslims in the building during the attacks that died or got brutally injured. Muslims struggle due to the fact that Islam is not known as well as other religions in the United States. Muslims should not be judged upon the fake stories, lies and myths that are simply not accurate. Muslims are not responsible for the attacks that have been stapled to their backs and foreheads: the claims of being a terrorist just because they wear a head scarf or dress differently. Define terrorist. What is terrorism? No the definition is not a Muslim. The definition of terrorism, taken from is, â€Å"a person who terrorizes or frightensShow MoreRelatedThe Muslim Community1163 Words  | 5 PagesThe Muslim community has faced many microassaults, microinsults, and microinvalidations in America. The microassaults reflect the conscious discrimination about a population. Many of the microassaults consisted of people stating that Arabs or Middle Eastern citizens are terrorists. Because of September 11, 2011, many have condemned one group of citizens as the reason for war in America. 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Ayers ETH/125 April 11, 2011 Teresa Edge Arabs and Muslim Americans What distinguishes African American Muslims from other practicing Muslims in the United States today? * Arabs are an ethnic group. * Muslims are a religious group. * Islam is the faith, like Christianity. * Muslim is a believer of that religion, like a Christian. * You cannot accurately identify the Muslims by nationality alone. * Just because you are Arab doesRead More`` The Birds Of The South ``1585 Words  | 7 Pagescontemporary Arab-Muslim generation in America as narrated in Amani Abu Al-Fadhl’s â€Å"The Birds of the South†. Like many other contemporary Arab writers, Amani Abu Al-Fadhl highlights the sectarianism dominating the contemporary Muslim generation which is fragmented into Sunnis and Shias. According to the novel, however, the majority of Muslims are peace-loving. They do not surrender to the sectarian borders which are – directly or indirectly - supported and fed up by Zionists and non-Muslim Americans. â€Å"TheRead MoreConnection of Terrorism and the Middle East Essay702 Words  | 3 Pagesgarment that distinguishes him as a Muslim. Instantly, flashes of the 9/11 attacks come rushing in your mind as you confronted the man about his nervousness. The man explained that his flight was arriving soon and that his friend is running a little late. You still wanted to pry the man more, but then the man’s friend came and they were on their way. Many people today in our society get the impression of a terrorist when meeting someone from the Middle East or a Muslim for the first time. Because theRead MoreMuslim Women Essay943 Words  | 4 PagesThe American media has a tendency to portray Muslims in a negative light. Some pity Muslims while others feel pure disdain for them. This statement made by Ann Coulter (2001) following the September 11th terrorist attacks demonstrates the disdain for Muslims, â€Å"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity†(as cited in Arab American National Museum, 2011). While this particular statement was directed at all Muslims, there are also many misconceptions directedRead MoreCase Study- How Hollywood Portrays Arabs1259 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study- How Hollywood portrays Arabs An Overview of the portrayal Introduction Hollywood has for several decades, set an agenda as well played a propagandist role in showcasing the Arab world and the Middle East in general. This depiction has been greatly impacted by several major political events from the last few decades to a century. Political events such as the creation of the State of Israel, the revolution of the Islamic State of Iran, and the tragic events of September 11Read MoreIdentities And Stereotypes Of The Arab Women919 Words  | 4 Pagesblacks, whites, Arabs, or foreigners. It’s true that humans standout from each other, morality, the acquired culture, but that does not mean to classify others as stereotypes. One stereotype concerns Arabs and Muslims, people should recognize that not all Muslims are Arabs and not all Arabs are Muslims, not all Muslims are terrorists, and last not all of the Arab women are â€Å"housewife†. Most people think or classify that Arabs are Muslims, which is totally erroneous. Not all Arabs are Muslims, for exampleRead MoreThe World Of The United States Essay1375 Words  | 6 Pages2016 there are 3.3 million Muslims that make up the total U.S. population. American Muslims come from all different backgrounds including converts from other religions and ethnicities other than Arabian. The U.S. Census Bureau does not ask religious affiliation so there is no official government count of the U.S. Muslim population. However, The Pew Research Center estimates that the total Muslim population will double by 2050 (Mohamed). The presence of American Muslims dates back more than 400 yearsRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States1657 Words  | 7 Pages The 11th of September, 2001 was a momentous day in American history. 19 members of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 United Airlines Flight 175, and crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Hijackers crashed the third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth jet, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives on 9/11 due to the terrorist attacks
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Essay on Principles of Empowerment-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Write an Essay on Principles of Empowerment, teams and positive change and their impact on Organizational Performance. Answer: In the modern age a business enterprise is run by employers and employees unlike in the ancient or in Middle Ages when slaves were forced to work for their masters (Abd-El-Salam etal., 2013). Along with time and the development of world business and communication, employees have gained more rights in terms of working hours, compensations and others. However, presently the term principle of employee empowerment refers to the allowances made by the Company management to the employees in case of certain decisions (Abd-El-Salam etal., 2013). There are various factors related to employee empowerment and how it affects a business organisation (Abd-El-Salam etal., 2013). The benefits of the empowerment, its importance, its impact on the organisation and the ill effects of it is to be thoroughly discussed to understand employee empowerment in its entirety (Rizwan, Mukhtar, 2014). The purpose of the essay is to explore the perspectives of the employees and the leadership to understand the im pact of employee empowerment on a working environment. The study includes all the three perspectives on the subject matter and hence, it presents a holistic point of view. This essay is primarily divided into three parts. The first part is written from the point of view of an employee, the second part is written from an objective view point of an individual and the third part is written from a team leaders perspective. These three different points of views is for the construction of a holistic structural view on employee empowerment. The employee of an empowerment depends on the Managements will to initiate a process which can provide more rights to the employees in terms of innovation and become a part of decision making procedures (Abd-El-Salam etal., 2013). The leadership of a company plays a major role in empowering the employees with certain rights and authority to work freely with in the codes and regulations of the company. The leadership of an organisation should be good enough to control the employees and also make them part of the decision making and initiating various activities (Rizwan, Mukhtar, 2014). According to various studies employee empowerment reduces costs and improves productivity, it improves customer service and initiates change for the betterment of the company. Therefore the leadership should know the process of channelling the employees towards a proper direction for the benefit of the company (Rizwan, Mukhtar, 2014). It is a fact that team work is always better for an organisation. Team work ensures better productivity and distribution. Better team activity results into positive changes in the company. The limitation of the essay lies in setting up practical examples which sometimes become important to understand a subject. This essay also discusses about the importance of a team and its relevance in an organisation. The significance of positive change and its initiators is another important subject related to the betterment of the organisation (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). It is a fact that an organisation is actually run by its employees. The employees initiates, thinks and executes each and every work for an organisation (Appelbaum, 2014). In the recent times, there has been a huge debate about the employee empowerment. The subject was a discussion was about whether an employee should be provided with certain independence in the workplace to innovate, adapt and become a part of the decision making process (Appelbaum, 2014). This debate also included how, the recent standard of the business organisation is all about limiting the authority of the employees on certain areas (Fernandez Moldogaziev, 2015). However, it is an elongated process to implement an employee empowerment program. There are requirements like surveys, seminars, open discussions, and management meetings in the process in implementing the employee empowerment program in an organisation (Fernandez Moldogaziev, 2015). Most of the organisations do not implement this proper process and h ence it creates problem for both the management and the employees (Namasivayam, Guchait Lei, 2014). There are various advantages to employee empowerment. In primary observation, it can be understood that, it not only provides more confidence to the employees but also allows them to think for the betterment of the company (Namasivayam, Guchait Lei, 2014). Every organisation wants its employees to get involved into the work in a more serious way (Appelbaum, 2014). The organisation wants its employees to remain well knitted and enhance their team performance (Namasivayam, Guchait Lei, 2014). As an employee, I feel that initiating employee empowerment acts as a positive catalyst in the working environment of an organisation. Employees initiate each and every work in an organisation. Employees gain enormous experience through the execution of works (Goetsch Davis, 2014). This experience can be rightly utilised when they are provided with more authority to advice and argue in terms of decision making. It also helps us, the employees to implement certain strategies during the execution of the work. This fastens the working process and helps to make the employees to develop their skills through the practical experiences in their own way. As an employee (Appelbaum, 2015), I feel that the major impact of employee empowerment on an organisation is the reduction in the cost of processing, productivity, marketing and all other processes which are run by the company. Every organisation wants to reduce the cost of production. The organisations try and implement various strategies and technologies in order to achieve the cost cut in productivity (Goetsch Davis, 2014). However, one of the major techniques to reduce the cost of a product is to provide enough responsibilities and independence to the employees in the workplace (Goetsch Davis, 2014). As the employees are well versed in their work they understand the methods of reducing the cost of production (Goetsch Davis, 2014). It is also true that employee empowerment helps the employee to believe that he belongs to the working arena and he understands his importance to the Organisation. This results into more sincerity and honesty from us as the company becomes emotionally attached to us as employees (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). However, the empowerment of the employees in terms of decision making and responsibility will not result into a salary hike. Rather, it would encourage us to work for the betterment of the organisation. In the service sector, Customer service has become one of the major concerns for the Enterprises (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). The company invests a large share of its investments in initiating customer service. In our company, customer service is regarded as the most vital tool to communicate with the customers and to expand our share in the market (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). The empowerment of the employees ensures better customer service. If the employees are provided with the power to take decisions in the absence of the supervisor, it makes the job easier for them. Every individual have their own way of expressing things through language and behaviour in their specific way. Every individual differs from one another in terms of the language they use and in the process of communication. As employees we are provided with specific module and script following which becomes mandatory during the formal conversations with the customers. However, it became easier for us when we were allowed to go off script and utilise our own communication skills to manipulate and converse with the customers freely (Fernandez Moldogaziev, 2015). However, this also might have its negative impacts on business but the slight breach of codes can also be fruitful for the productivity and sales of the company (Allen, Lehmann-Willenbrock Sands, 2016). If the employees are allowed to take decisions by using their own skills and experience it can be useful for the company. This would not only ensure better customer service but will also develop the employees and their intellectual quotient. The power of improvisation also may be cost effective as well (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). Through this process an employee can come more close to the organisation and even take pride for their creative inputs. Encouraging creativity can be a major way to better productivity in the business (Chrobot-Mason Aramovich, 2013). Sometimes change becomes instrumental for increasing the productivity of a company. In a globalised market where the business standards and scenario changes every minute, transformation of the company principles becomes important. The employers and the management of the company run it according to certain principles and techniques (Allen, Lehmann-Willenbrock Sands, 2016). However, as an employee I understand the real problems and change needed for our company. It is important to include the employees in the important decisions to know their perspective. Most of the times these exchange of ideas become profitable for the company (Allen, Lehmann-Willenbrock Sands, 2016). It is necessary for the company to create the right environment for the employees so that they can question the decisions taken by the hierarchy of the organisation. These initiatives are not only cost effective and productive for the organisation but it also increase the overall team bonding and create a better work ing environment A team can be defined as a smaller unit which acts according to the assigned role in an organisation (Driskell etal., 2017). Every team has its specificity in terms of work, performance and functions. According to the Belbin model there are nine different types of roles in a team. Belbin emphasises on each and every role and discusses about the function it plays in the team (Eubanks et al., 2016). Firstly, it is to create ideas followed by exploring opportunities, co-ordination., shaping the structure of work, monitoring or evaluation, implementation of the plan and technical assessment of the plan (Driskell etal., 2017). Every process of a work begins with an idea about it. Creative work is the most elevated form of work in a team (Ruch et al., 2016). The creative initiation of the project ensures proper information and also helps others to create a proper structure of the work in their minds to run the process properly (Elnaga Imran, 2014). A creative idea is converted into a prod uctive work through enormous research and exploration of that idea. This exploration is often regarded as a collaborative process and a team activity (Ruch et al., 2016). This exploration about the idea helps in the enhancement of the co-ordination and to create a proper project material. In the next step, this explorations and findings are properly discussed with the team leaders and others (Elnaga Imran, 2014). This process clarifies the objectives, elevates decision making and helps in building team co-ordination. Another role is of the shaping the entire process until coordination and structuralise it properly for the future initiation of the work (Driskell etal., 2017). This job role is dynamic, challenging and is sometimes difficult handle. This is followed by monitoring and evaluating the previous works. This process is about proper planning to avoid future possibilities of facing obstacles by the team. The work then passes to the Team Worker, who provides support to all the team members and ensures the working culture in the organisation (Ruch et al., 2016). The role of implementing the ideas needs a dynamic, challenging and reliable person in it (Elnaga Imran, 2014). This role is highly risky as it involves a lot of responsibility and sincerity to implement the ideas into a practical situation (Ruch et al., 2016). A complete finisher monitors and evaluates the entire work from the beginning to the implementation and rectifies the mistakes or errors committed by the people of previous job roles. The final assessment of the plan is required to make the entire work error free (Mostert, 2015). This job role also assesses the quality of the work and the amount of feedback it can get from the customers. All these job roles are equally important for a team to work and complete a project properly in a workplace (Ruch et al., 2016). However, one of the primary job roles is to shape up the process properly for the future initiation of the project (Oke et al., 2016). The role of a shaper comes into play right in the middle of the project. A shapers role is to structuralise the process properly so that the work can be properly executed processed and rectified (Oke et al., 2016). To understand the significance of the role of a shaper in an organisation it is important assess the entire context in a proper way. The creative role is about imagining and discovering an idea which will be suitable for the project. The explorer or the researcher explores the positive outcomes and extensions of that idea. The co-ordinator manipulates and communicates the exploration of the idea to all the team members. The shaper keeps all these three previous roles in mind to initiate his role (Elnaga Imran, 2014). A shaper not only studies the explorations of the idea done by the resource investigator and the instructions or illustratio ns provided by the co-ordinator, he also uses his imaginative power to properly arrange the entire project (Elnaga Imran, 2014). His role often ensures the further job roles in the team (Oke et al., 2016). The job role of a shaper is often very challenging and dynamic. It is a responsibility, which comes with a lot of pressure and obstacles. There is an inherent requirement of courage and sense of overcoming the difficulties in terms of conducting this job role. A shaper generally ensures the fluidity in the workplace (Oke et al., 2016). The shapers are basically problem solvers in a team. These job roles is about manipulating and arguing with the other team members (Oke et al., 2016). According to various studies, people in this job role often hurt and offend people in the process of performing their job role. An ardent quality of the leadership is about engaging with the sub-ordinates in a proper way (Rego et al., 2016). The approach of a leader depends on various factors like qualification, their commitment, capabilities, patience and values (Rego et al., 2016). However, leading an older group of subordinates becomes more difficult. As the older employees are more experienced, it becomes difficult to maintain a command over them (Rego et al., 2016). Therefore, these situations should be handled with extreme care and sincerity. There are instances of untenable relationships between a young leader and his older-subordinates (Chi, Maier, Gursoy, 2013). A young leader should maintain certain principles and methods to maintain the discipline in a workplace. If I would have been a team leader, leading older people I would have adopted certain strategies in order to help the team perform better. As a leader it is important to plan an entire project properly. The leader should try to conduct a process of building relationships between him and his subordinates through projects (Chi, Maier, Gursoy, 2013). First of all the leader needs to make an outline of the possibilities of outcomes of certain actions. I would have adopted democratic process of decision making by allowing complete participation. As a leader, I would have distributed responsibilities among the experienced employees in order to utilise their years of hard work. I would have provided the right amount of support to the subordinates and help them to remain focused for better outcomes. I would have encouraged them to be more consistent in terms of work. I would have built a good relationship with them which would make them their favourite go to person in the workplace. The primary initiative to work with the older people in a project as a leader should be active listening. It is a fact that a good leader is not arrogant rather he should believe in acceptance (Owens Hekman, 2016). Accepting ideas and suggestions from the older people will not build a relationship of trust and value between the subordinates and the leader but this will also make future prospects of the organisation better than before. I as a leader would like to learn from my senior subordinates. Their experiences will be useful for me in the work. However, this display of respect will make a more humble of image the leader in their eyes (Owens Hekman, 2016). Acknowledging their ideas would make them appreciate the leader. Young leaders should try and invest enough time with his experienced team and build a personal relationship with the members of the team (Bakar McCann, 2014). As a young leader, one should display the concern about his subordinates by knowing him and his family issues closely. All these sessions of conversations can help to understand and work with these experienced workers in a proper way (Owens Hekman, 2016). I will be able to understand the approach by which I should deal with certain employees. This helps me to understand their work commitments and focus towards work. A young leader brings a lot of new things to the table. However, these new ideas and philosophies often create problems in a team. Especially in case of experienced employees, this instances of disagreement with new ideas of work culture and ethos have created sever problems (Martin et al., 2016). To overcome such issues, as a leader I would like to combine old ideas with new (Chiu, Owens, Tesluk, 2016). This combination of tradition and innovation can be fruitful for any team which consists of a young leader and older team members (Chiu, Owens, Tesluk, 2016). The combination will not only make the team members more comfortable, this would also help in fastening the work and provide better production results in the near future. The sole motto of a young leader should be earning respect from the subordinates. In case of older team members it becomes a challenge for the leader to achieve respect from the workers (Zacher Gielnik, 2014). I feel that a young leader should be less authoritative and friendlier. He should be strict at times when required but otherwise should be more collaborative in his efforts. The generational differences should be embraced and enough gratitude should be shown to them to earn proper respect (Zacher Gielnik, 2014). Everybody should be treated as equals in a team as this helps in building up stronger bonds. Conclusion This essay is subdivided into three important parts. The first part is written from the point of view of an employee about the empowerment policies. The second part is about the role of an individual in a team performance. And the third one is about the role of a leader in a team consisting of more experienced team members. The first part is written from the perspective of an employee. The employee empowerment has been a growing phenomenon in the business. It has a number of benefits which elevates the productivity of the company. As the employees are allowed to take more responsibilities on their shoulders and allowed to be part of the decision making process, it makes the employees more comfortable. The employee empowerment helps in the reduction of cost, betterment of services and initiates change in a company. All these three benefits is extremely important for a company to survive excel in the market. The second part thoroughly discusses about the team roles which are important for the teams good performance. This includes the Belmin model of various job functions in a team. This part mentions the team roles like Planter (creative person), investigator of the resources, co-ordinator, team worker, shaper, evaluator, specialist, complete finisher and the implementer. This part of the essay emphasises on the team role of the shaper. The shaper is important as he is responsible for creating a structure out of unorganised information and ideas. This challenging role is sometimes not appreciated because of its provocative nature. However, this role in the team is more instrumental in driving through the obstacles and challenges. The third part of the essay explores a situation of a young leader and his experienced subordinates. This part is a complete discussion about how a young leader can work hard to collaborate properly with his tem. It is important for the young leader to pay enough respect to his senior. It is important to listen to them and making them part of the decision making process. Blending of traditional and innovative ideas in the work culture can also be marked as a significant step in these kinds of working conditions. References Abd-El-Salam, E. M., Shawky, A. Y., El-Nahas, T., Nawar, Y. S. (2013). The relationship among job satisfaction, motivation, leadership, communication, and psychological empowerment: An Egyptian case study.SAM Advanced Management Journal,78(2), 33. Allen, J. A., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Sands, S. J. (2016). Meetings as a positive boost? How and when meeting satisfaction impacts employee empowerment.Journal of Business Research,69(10), 4340-4347. Appelbaum, S. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Tionne Tenese Watkins T-Boz Essays - TLC, Rozonda Thomas
Tionne Tenese Watkins : T-Boz born: April 26, 1970 in Des Moines, Iowa began performing: started singing in church influences: Prince, Janet Jackson, Patti LaBelle role in TLC: main singer, business head of TLC Named one of People's '50 Most Beautiful People of 1995 Other projects: acting role as 'Tionne' in Hype Williams' 1998 film 'Belly' Started own companies: Shee Inc. and Grunge Girl Music released 'Touch Myself' - controversial song included on soundtrack Fled started a clothes line with Dallas Austin called Grungy Glamorous wrote a book of poetry and has a cartoon in progress Lisa Nicole Lopes : Left Eye born: May 27, 1971 in Philadelphia, PA began performing: began musical career as a rapper in Philly; performed in school plays and performances; talented in creative writing, sewing and dancing role in TLC: rapper; writes many of the lyrics Other projects: A featured musician in the hit song "Not Tonight - The Remix" - along with 'Lil Kim, Missy Elliot Hosted MTV show 'The Cut' Featured artist on the song "Cradle Rock", part of Method Man's album "Tical 2000" Runs own record company called 'Left Eye Productions' Has started own publishing co. called 'U.N.I. Publishing, Inc.' Will be releasing her own solo album later this year called - guest musicians will be Erick Sermon, Wyclef of the Fugees, the Bandits, Tangi, among others Rozonda Thomas : Chilli born: February 27, 1971 in Atlanta, GA began performing: danced professionally for Damian Dame role in TLC: singer; choreographer named one of People's '50 Most Beautiful People' in 1996 Other projects: Appeared on the film "Have Plenty" Recently had a baby boy named Tron with writer/producer Dallas Austin! Has started own publishing company 'T-Ron Music (BMI)'. Sings lead vocals on first FanMail release 'No Scrubs'
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